Monday, April 11, 2011

Resources Course: Foreign Language Translator Apps

Nǐ hǎo! Let us sing for you...
 The article, Lost in Translation? Comparing Smartphone Apps in USA Today ranks several translator apps for your smartphone. According to the reviewer, Google Translate is the way to go. Considering that Google Translate was the only free app reviewed and it is the best, all I can say is 'Sweet'!

Note: However, I am a wee bit concerned that, according to the article, when translating from Mandarin Chinese to English, "I'd like to order tofu and fish" became "I want entertainment tofu."(!) This makes me wonder if you would be served tofu 1) with singing accompaniment, 2) with fireworks, or 3) with some type of sizzling rice extravaganza that would end up becoming the best meal of your life, ever!

Essential Vocabulary

to rank (v) ~ to take items and put in an order like from best to worst

the way to go (idiom) ~ this is your best choice

Sweet! (excl.) ~ Wonderful! Excellent!

accompaniment (n) ~ something that goes with something else; it can be musical or song in nature

extravaganza (n)~ elaborate entertainment; something very complex and detailed

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