Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vocabulary Course: Great Tohoku Canto Earthquake and Tsunami

For those of you trying to keep up with the devestating news out of Japan, I have compiled a list of essential English vocabulary words that will help you when reading or listening to English media.

earthquake (n)
Definition: shaking or moving of the earth's crust resulting to shifts in geological plates.
Example: Last week Japan had a huge earthquake measuring 9.0 on the richter scale.

richter scale (n)
Definition: a scale used to measure the intensity of earthquakes from 0 to 10+.
Example: Last week Japan had a huge earthquake measuring 9.0 on the richter scale.

tsunami (n)
Definition: A Japanese word which means 'tidal wave' in English. Due to the power of this word, English speakers are using this word more and more and it can now be considered part of the English language. In recent years, English speakers would use 'tsunami' instead of 'tidal wave'. This is a great example of how languages are fluid and adaptable. If one culture has a better way to express a concept, this word in time becomes incorporated into another culture's language.
Example: A massive tsunami hit Japan after the earthquake on March 11. 

search and rescue (n)
Definition: first responder teams try to aid people in the early hours of a disaster.
Example: Many countries sent their search and rescue teams to Japan to look for survivors from the earthquake. 

rescue mission (n)
Definition: an attempt to try to save someone from danger.
Example: There are many rescue missions taking place in Japan after the earthquake.

recovery mission (n)
Definition: A delicate term in English used to describe recovering bodies from a disaster. When the English media switches from using the term of 'rescue mission' to 'recovery mission', it means that the government has very little hope at that point in time of finding anyone alive from the disaster. In earthquakes, this usually occurs around day seven to day ten.
Example: Sadly, the recovery mission has started after the earthquake in Japan.

relief effort (n)
Definition: This describes the aid given to survivors from a disaster. Relief efforts include bringing hot meals, water, and blankets to the survivors by groups like the red cross and red crescent.
Example: The Japanese Red Cross is engaged in a massive relief effort in Japan.

to evacuate (v)
Definition: to leave one's home due to a disaster.
Example: Many people have had to evacuate their homes in Sendai due to their houses being structurally unfit for habitation.

evacuation (n)
Definition: an organized effort to remove people from a dangerous place.
Example: The Japanese government has order an evacuation from villages that were destroyed by the earthquake.

evacuee (n)
Definition: a person who has been evacuated.
Example: The evacuees have been taken to an evacuation center.

evacuation center (n)
Definition: a place where an evacuee is taken.
The evacuees have been taken to an evacuation center.

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